We’ve also maintained that Pilates can be for everyone, young and old, fit or otherwise It’s especially great for guys! Guys often struggle with poor mobility and as we age we can struggle to find exercise that actually helps us work on our injuries, rather than simply adding to them.
What problems were you having before you discovered us at Reform Studios?
Before starting with Reform Studios I was finding my lower back, neck and shoulders would continuously get stiff and sore. The longer I would leave going to Physio or getting a sports/remedial massage to release the tight areas, the worse it got. The tighter it got the more issues I would then seem to experience. Headaches, shooting pain down my legs, pins and needles down both my arms and legs. I also found the tighter I became the less energy I would have.
What frustrations were you feeling?
I wasn’t able to do the things I liked doing. I didn’t have the energy nor the drive to do them. When I did push myself into exercise, I would end up either worse the next day or I would get a soft tissue tear. This in return would set me back even further and frustrate me even more. I was in a spiral of negative results after every training session.
Have you done Pilates before now and if so what was different about our studio?
I had done Pilates once before when I was doing rehabilitation for a knee reconstruction. This was very specifically focused to one area and I found it very beneficial.
The difference with Reform Studios is their focus on the whole body, as it’s not rehabilitation based. It’s firstly about strengthening my core (hips, glutes and abdominals). Then it’s about strengthening the rest of my body so I know I can handle whatever the day might bring. Whether it’s doing gym work, road running, bike riding or even day to day things. Whatever it is, I know my body is ready.
The most Important reason I love going to Reform Studios is they really focus on technique and their knowledge is Superb, (special mention to Leigh, Studio Manager) she keeps me focused and in the correct alignment throughout the class, Leigh has a great knowledge of each individual’s specific requirements and she has greatly helped me achieve my goals. It’s not about how quick or how much your shifting, it’s about how you are doing it, are you switching on the right muscle groups, Are the muscle you don’t want switched on switched off. It’s in the detail and that’s what Reform Studios are excellent at.
Take us to the moment when you realised that Pilates was working to solve your ailments or problems?
Two things come to mind.
- Directly after my first session. I felt taller, lighter and more in control. I felt I was switched on in all the correct areas.
- When I was able to go 3-4 sometimes 5 weeks in a row without getting treatment. After years and years of putting my body though so much damage with professional sport, to not feel sore and tight for weeks on end is a great relief.
What does life look like now for you?
Less expensive that’s for sure. Less time spent a Physio’s. Less stiff necks, No headaches and no neural pain from my back.
You come with your wife and daughter to our studio – how does it feel to be able to workout with your family?
I really appreciate the time we get to spend together, life is very busy. Whether it’s work or running around for kids getting them to where they want to go. We very rarely have time to share things together as a family. So by simply spending 45min doing a Reform Studios class together, it gives us that ability to connect. It’s a conversational starter. It’s not just about the time spent together in the class but it’s about the journey and sharing that journey to a healthier stronger body.
Tell me the main difference in your body since doing Pilates?
The main thing is I can do whatever I want whenever I want. There’s less need to slow down or watch what I do.
Do you think that your team (or all men) should add Pilates to their training to enhance their performance and well-being?
I would highly recommend adding Pilates to anyone’s fitness routine. It will 100% improve your quality of life. It will transform the way you think about how you can strengthen your body for the better. You will definitely find muscles that you never thought you had and strengthen those you thought were already strong.
Sign up for your first class today.
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