taking a time out blog
By Published On: November 20, 2021

Time out allows us the chance to reset, re-align, and restore. It’s the most important gift we can give ourselves.

Jayne Hardy

Taking a time out. What does it mean? Essentially it means stopping what we are currently doing, in order to do something else for a while. How we choose to take a time out means different things to us all. Spending time on a hobby, reading a book, listening to a podcast, exercising, or even having a nap all are ways we can enjoy taking a time out.

However, whatever way you choose to take a time out to relax and focus on yourself is not an indulgence or a luxury. It is an essential form of self-care. Think of the safety briefing the flight crew gives to passengers before take-off. In the case of an emergency, you put YOUR oxygen mask on before helping others. Why? It is not about being selfish. In fact, the opposite is true. Making sure you are healthy and functioning effectively allows you to better assist those around you.

So, whether it is ways to take a short break from our daily routine or taking a proper extended holiday, making sure we regularly take a time out is important. Here are a couple of reasons why:

Re-Energising the Mind

Taking a time out gives you a chance to relax and calm your mind. With less ‘noise’ flying through our heads, a time out can help to improve our focus. By giving ourselves time to refuel and recharge, we then find it easier to concentrate on the tasks at hand and to work more efficiently.

Gaining Perspective

Sometimes we need a break to refocus and gather ourselves so that we can get going again. By disconnecting from work or our daily stresses it helps to give us some clarity and often what felt stressful before, starts to seem more manageable. Why? Because taking a time out enables us to find some perspective.

Promoting Creativity

As humans, we tend to be more creative when we are relaxed. By taking a time out to relax, and unwind, we often find inspiration and are able to think more creatively. Spending time without a set structure allows our minds to wander and this helps to spark new ideas.

Staying Positive

Finally, spending time to do something that we enjoy helps to boost our positivity and happiness. It is vital for maintaining a positive mindset and outlook on life.

Pilates and Taking a Time Out

Regularly practising Pilates is great way to take a time out from the daily grind. Often referred to as ‘moving meditation’, Pilates as a method of exercise is designed to be as much a mental workout as it is physical. This makes it an excellent form of self-care. 

So, if you are looking for new ways to take a ‘time out’, why not try Pilates? Why not try a class at Reform Studios? And for further inspiration, visit Dear Mind for lots more ideas.

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