By Published On: May 16, 2020

Have you been navigating your way through the myriad of COVID-19 announcements, recommendations, reports and guidelines?…We have!!

With the release of the Queensland Government’s ‘Roadmap to Easing Restrictions‘, we can confirm that we will be reopening our Mitchelton Studio on Monday 15th June 2020. To say we’re excited to see everyone back on deck would be an understatement! During the mandated shut-down period we’ve been lucky enough to have more than 140 of our Studio clients join the team for our live online classes, which has inspired us to keep moving whilst helping us stay connected to the people who make up our amazing community. Thank you everyone for your support.

So, what does the path back look like?

Over the past 7 weeks we have been busy ensuring you, our amazing clients, return to the best Studio environment we can provide.

Here’s a run down on what you can expect on your return to Reform Studios.

COVID-19 Safety Plan

The Queensland Government has recommended all Queensland businesses put in place a COVID-19 Safety Plan, to assure their employees and visitors they have a means to manage potential infection transfer. Here at Reform Studios we have worked in collaboration with our safety partners, Intrinsic Safety Training, to develop our own COVID-19 Safety Plan, in tandem with our ‘Infection Control & Hygiene Procedure’. Visitors, including all clients, are welcome to view any of our safety documents on request.

Strict Hygiene Measures Remain

Before the mandated closure back in March (seems like a lifetime ago!) we rapidly enhanced our existing hygiene protocol for the Studio in order to further minimise the risk of infection transmission. We have now formalised this process as part of our new Infection Control & Hygiene Procedure. This document outlines in detail how Reform Studios will maintain a high standard of hygiene at our Mitchelton Studio. This forms part of our larger Workplace Health & Safety Management System, which is our comprehensive collection of policies and processes developed to assure your safety whilst in our care.

Specifically, we will continue to maintain the following COVID-19 safety initiatives:

✔️ Maintaining physical distancing measures, including greater equipment spacing

✔️ Maintenance of our standard 15 minute break between classes to allow instructors to ensure the hygiene of the Studio prior to the next class

✔️ Provision of automatic (contact-less) hand alcohol-based sanitiser stations and optional single use barrier cloths to cover head cushions

✔️ Provision of disinfectant at each reformer station to sanitise equipment and single use paper towel for cleaning down equipment after each class

✔️ Different studio entry and exit points to reduce client cross-over

✔️ Elimination of instructor contact during classes, unless required for safety

✔️ Replacement of high-contact surfaces that cannot easily be disinfected, such as hand-straps, with more suitable materials

✔️ Removal of Pilates props where necessary, such as ‘sticky mats’ and non-essential furnishings

✔️ Rigorous auditing of cleaning standards, including routing cleaning between classes and deep cleaning events performed on a twice-weekly basis

✔️ Enforcement of self-isolation requirements for staff and contact tracing for clients through our standard booking systems

What if I’m not feeling well?

We request that all visitors and clients stay home if you pose a risk of infection transmission, including anyone displaying flu-like symptoms. As recommended by the Federal Government, we suggest you seek medical attention and COVID-19 testing.

We will also be asking any non-essential visitors to wait outside the Studio, and clients to please refrain from bringing children to sit in our reception area. We will require this space to ensure we provide sufficient physical distancing prior to classes.

We’re Here to Help!

We encourage anyone who has any concerns about the risk of infection whilst at our Studio, to please get in touch so we can talk you through all the safety measures in place. We’re proud of our Studio, and continue to work hard in order to bring this amazing form of exercise to as many people as we can, whilst maintaining a safe and inviting environment.

The team can’t wait to see you soon!

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