blog pause for thought
By Published On: January 20, 2022

2022, Just Keep Rolling?

So, 2022 has arrived and it’s time to take a breath and consider how to move forwards with a stronger sense of purpose. Why? Good question! Because it’s easy to ‘just keep rolling’ when times are uncertain and a little disruptive. We bunker down, and focus on just forging ahead. We also tell ourselves that worrying isn’t productive and things are worse for others, so we just keep on ‘getting on’. Whilst it’s great to be the ‘rock’ for yourself and others, it’s also crucial to ensure that we take time to realign with what actually keeps US going.

So, without suggesting you take a 12 week retreat to a coastal hideaway for a journey of rediscovery (actually, that would be amazing!), here’s some more accessible options:

  • take a regular ‘time out’ break (see our last blog): this is time just for yourself (not scrolling on your phone), try to focus on your breathing and draw thoughts and emotions to the surface that don’t add value to your life, and let them go;
  • consider calling a friend that you haven’t spoken to for a while: one of the best ways to reconnect with your own sense of self is to spend time with those that reflect your own values;
  • set boundaries: not only is it important to establish within yourself what you expect of others, also set some boundaries for yourself, i.e. create rules that protect yourself from negative thoughts and emotions taking over;
  • seek support: there’s no shame in reaching out to someone you trust to help navigate your roadmap for 2022.

Are You Staying Connected with Us?

Research has proven that exercise benefits your body and mind, providing relief from anxiety and depression and generally altering your mood. We know it’s tough to maintain motivation, but we hear, over and over from all of you, just how much better you feel after a reformer Pilates class. We also have the benefit of 4 years hindsight to see all the amazing results a class or two a week can have physically, but also emotionally and mentally.

In order to help keep you accountable, make sure you stay connected with the studio community via Facebook. We have our very own private Facebook Group (or search in Facebook for: Reform Studios Community Group) where we post all things Reform, including class updates and more importantly: new baby arrivals; puppy updates; upcoming events, client business shout-outs and more!

Our commitment this year is to post more information around ways to stay motivated and maintain a positive frame-of-mind. Keep an eye out for a short video series from Scott and Emma on topics like:

  • goals;
  • habits;
  • purpose and value-based living;
  • gratitude; and
  • play.

Pilates Classes – Have We Seen You Lately?

For anyone who we haven’t seen for a while, we want to reassure you that we do understand. It’s been a tough couple of years, and the last Christmas / New Year break was not the most ‘recharging’ time for many of us. Add to that fun facts like mask wearing, changes in work arrangements, a shift in when school goes back etc., the list goes on. As a business, we want to say, “we understand, and acknowledge that it’s OK to be tired and unmotivated”. We would add that now’s the time before the year gets away from you, to consider your goals and a roadmap to achieving them.

We’re biased of course, but we think the sense of achievement you gain from rocking up and smashing your reformer Pilates class goals, is a great way to regain connection and normality.

Need Help?

If you need us to help, just reach out and ask. Drop us a message on Facebook, send us an email, we don’t mind how you do it, just start a conversation. We would love to hear from you and are always available to provide support.

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